‘Thank you for your beautiful words’
(J. Watkins)
Leather-bound, limited edition
(£11.50) £9.00 UK post-free
The writing of poetry can succinctly chart a person's life. Thus, there is a cathartic element in this anthology, but that by no means infers self-ingulgence'. The collection includes poems which have been broadcast on radio, and published in magazines and anthologies in different parts of the world. The poet has given, and still gives, readings from them, to public and private audiences. (for more, see NEWS FROM SANDRA AT SMH)
Extracts from the media coverage:
'Sandra's work gives sensitive glimpses of her life, from childhood in a Welsh cottage to years in London, France and Spain (and, finally, Sussex)Cottage life has much influenced her writingHer poems touch landmarks familiar to many, whether they live in a cottage or an urban semi, and Sandra catches poignantly the stages of live of the loved and the lonely, welcome and unwanted, the sadness of loss and joy in nature'. (WEST SUSSEX GAZETTE)
'The poems have a style which is quite hard to find; personal poetry that's also completely accessible.'
(Simon Birks
'I like the way the book is sectioned, like the acts of a play.'
'I find your poems accessible and easy to identify with, as they are written in a clear, direct voice which comes across as unpretentious and honest. You don't seem to strive too hard for dramatic effect but often achieve a connection, using more subtle means.'
'The collection has, at least for me, a sort of lingering wistfulness that is rather like looking through someone else's photograph album full of likenesses of people who are strangers but look kind of familiar somehow.'